
Genetic Testing

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Genetic Testing services offered in Hodgenville, KY

The genetic testing used by Nunn Psychiatric Care, called pharmacogenomics, shows how your unique genetic profile affects your body's response to psychiatric medications. This type of testing reduces the trial and error involved with finding medications that work for your individual genes. Testing also helps find drugs that will work if you haven't responded to treatment. Most importantly, your test results give you faster relief from your symptoms. You can take your saliva sample at home and have your appointments through telemedicine. To learn more, call the office in Hodgenville, Kentucky, or book a telehealth appointment online today.

We are a psychiatric care facility that offers medication management. Please call us to book your appointment today.

Genetic Testing Q & A

What is genetic testing?

Nunn Psychiatric Care performs genetic testing using the GeneSight® test. GeneSight analyzes your DNA, searching for genetic variations that determine:

  • How your body metabolizes medications
  • How your genes influence medication effectiveness
  • How your metabolism influences dosing
  • Your potential risks for side effects

The results of your test may show you metabolize certain drugs faster or slower than average. With that information, your provider knows they will need to make certain dose adjustments.

Why would I need genetic testing?

Individual variations in genes mean that one drug may be effective for you, but useless or dangerous for someone else. As a result, prescribing medication involves some trial and error.

For example, there are more than 25 antidepressants. Each one works a little differently in your body and your unique genetics determine how you respond to each antidepressant.

Your provider chooses an antidepressant and begins with the lowest dose when prescribing medications. Then you wait to see how well you respond.

If your symptoms don't improve, your provider increases the dose (one or more times). And if dose changes don't help, they prescribe a different antidepressant and start the process again.

Genetic testing allows you to avoid this extensive trial-and-error process. It also gives your provider gene-specific guidance on which drugs to choose if you don't respond to one medication.

Though you may still need some dose or medication adjustments, you can get symptom relief sooner based on your genetic test results.

How does GeneSight perform genetic testing?

GeneSight evaluates all the genes currently known to affect your response to 64 psychiatric medications. The test looks at nine genes involved in how your body metabolizes drugs and five that determine your risk of side effects. However, that number could increase if more genes are identified in the future.

Your GeneSight report places psychiatric medications into three categories: Drugs that are safe to use as directed, require dose adjustments, or have a high risk of causing side effects.

What happens during genetic testing?

You receive a kit in the mail with the tools and instructions for swabbing your cheek. You mail the sample to the GeneSight lab. 

They evaluate your DNA and produce a report in about two days. GeneSight sends the report to your provider, and they contact you to talk about the results.

To learn more about the benefits of genetic testing, call Nunn Psychiatric Care or book an appointment online today.

We see patients in the following surrounding cities: Hodgenville, KY, serving  Elizabethtown, Bardstown and Louisville, KY. Call us to book your appointment today.