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OCD services offered in Hodgenville, KY

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) most often begins between the ages of 7-12 but may not appear until the early 20's. This complex condition causes fear, embarrassment, and anxiety at any age. The experienced providers at Nunn Psychiatric Care work closely with everyone from four and up, offering compassionate care and support through telemedicine appointments. If you need help with OCD, call the office in Hodgenville, Kentucky, or use the online booking feature to request an appointment today.

We are a psychiatric care facility that offers medication management. Please call us to book your appointment today.


What is OCD?

OCD is a mental health disorder that causes recurring, unwanted thoughts (obsessions). These uncontrollable thoughts compel you to take action to relieve the anxiety and make the ideas stop. The actions you take (compulsions) are ritualistic and repetitive.

Your compulsive behaviors temporarily relieve the obsession, but your thoughts eventually return, and you must act again. These ongoing obsessions and compulsions take up at least an hour of your time each day. OCD demands so much time that you can't fulfill your daily responsibilities in severe cases.

Though most people have obsessions and compulsions, you can have one without the other.

What obsessions might I experience due to OCD?

The thoughts you experience usually follow a theme. A few of the most common OCD themes include:

  • Fear of germs or getting sick
  • Fear of being harmed
  • Fear of saying something offensive
  • Need for items to be in order
  • Need for symmetry
  • Disturbing sexual thoughts
  • Repetitive sounds or images
  • Thoughts of aggression or violence

You know that your thoughts don't make sense, yet you can't make them stop.

What compulsions might I experience due to OCD?

The behaviors you perform follow the theme of your thoughts. For example, if you constantly think about germs, you may feel compelled to frequently wash your hands or take a shower.

Alternatively, thoughts about being harmed may force you to keep checking your doors and windows to be sure they're locked.

If your thoughts focus on order and symmetry, you may need to keep rearranging items on a shelf, putting things in a precise order, or adjusting the position of furniture.

Knowing you just checked the locks or rearranged the furniture can't stop you from doing it again when the thought recurs and the intense urge strikes.

How is OCD treated?

Nunn Psychiatric Care has years of experience helping children (aged four and older), teens, and adults learn to manage their OCD. They always consider your child's age and developmental stage and adapt the way they interact accordingly.

Treatment for OCD includes therapy, medication, or both. Therapy focuses on easing your symptoms and helping you find alternative ways to cope with the anxiety, giving you the ability to limit or stop ritualistic behaviors.

Though medications seldom eliminate all OCD symptoms, they can make a difference for many patients. Many people with OCD also have severe anxiety and depression. During your evaluation, your provider identifies any co-existing conditions and includes them in your treatment.

OCD treatment at Nunn Psychiatric Care can give you significant relief from your symptoms. Call or book an appointment online today.

We see patients in the following surrounding cities: Hodgenville, KY, serving  Elizabethtown, Bardstown and Louisville, KY. Call us to book your appointment today.